Irish Language Association of Australia
As Gaeilge| In English

Section 3 - Yourself

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what's your name ? Cad is ainm duit ?
who are you ? C� h� tusa ?
where are you from ? Cad as duit ?
where were you born ? C� rugadh t� ?
where do you live ? C� bhfuil t� i do chona� ?
do you have brothers and sisters ? An bhfuil dearth�ireacha agus deirfi�racha agat ?
are you married ? An bhfuil t� p�sta ?
do you have family ? An bhfuil clann agat ?
put down your details D�an cur s�os ort f�in
what kind of person are you ? C�n cine�l duine t� ?
do you have a pastime ? An bhfuil caitheamh aimsire agat ?
what is your pastime ? C�n caitheamh aimsire at� agat ?