Change Language

Section 7 - What would you like ?


cad is ainm duit ar�s ? what's your name again ?
agus c� bhfuil t� i do shuigh ? and where are you sitting ?
ar mhaith leat tae n� caif� ? would you like tea or coffee ?
ba mhaith liom cup�n tae/caif� le do thoil I'd like a cup of tea/coffee please
Is cuma liom Whatever, I don't mind
le bainne ? with milk ?
le si�cra ? with sugar ?
sp�n�g amhain/dh� sp�n�g one spoonfull/two spoons
gan bainne without milk
gan si�cra without sugar
l�idir / lag strong / weak
t� s� r�-l�idir / r�-lag it's too strong / too weak
t� s� an-dheas ar fad it's just fine
dubh / b�n black / white
gearr / fada short / long
tabhair dom caif� gearr dubh gimme a short black coffee
an bhfuil bainne tana� le f�il ? do you have skinny milk available ?