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Cuid a c�ig - N�os deacra

Ar ais

Go raibh m�le maith agaibh as bhur gc�namh thanks very much(to more than one) for your help
T� m� bu�och d�ot as do ch�namh I'm grateful to you for your help (to one person)
Go m�ada� Dia th� may god prosper you (to one person)
Ta f�ilte romhat you're welcome (to one person)
Scr�obh chugam as Gaeilge / B�arla m�s � do thoil � write to me in Irish / English please (to one person )
Scr�obhaig� chugam as Gaeilge / B�arla m�s � bhur dtoil � write to me in Irish / English please (to more than one)
An f�idir le h�inne cuidi� liom ? can anyone help me ?
Gabhaim pard�n agaibh as teachtaireacht seo i mB�arla my apologies to you for this message in English (to more than one)
N�l m�r�n Gaeilge agam I don't know a lot of Irish
N�l m� ach ag tos� ar an teanga a fhoglaim I'm only starting to learn the language
Tuigim Gaeilge shimpl� I can understand simple Irish