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Cumann Gaeilge na hAstr�ile

As Gaeilge As B�arla Home

About us

Books, courses & resources

Guest Book

Events in 2003


Phrase book

Irish language media


About us

This is the website of the Irish Language Association of Australia, a voluntary organisation formed in 1992 to promote the Irish language in Australia.
  • If you are visiting our site for the first time then please read the welcome message from our president...Click here

  • Daonscoil 2004 is coming !!! Read all about the Irish language summer school and book your place now. ...Click here

  • If you are returning to our site and want to know what's been happening since your last visit then our newsletter will keep you informed. To see a PDF version of the latest issue...Click here and we also have a special liftout section ...Click here

  • If you are just looking for a quick translation of a word or phrase (e.g. for a wedding toast) then we recommend the free service offered by Dymphna Lonergan at her own website... www.memoryireland.com

  • If you are mainly interested in Scots Gaelic, which is very closely related to Irish, then the website of the Scots Gaelic Association will be of interest to you... www.ozgaelic.org

Our policy

Our website exists for one purpose, namely to promote the Irish Language by encouraging people to learn it and make use of it. For that reason we have made it possible to browse our site using navigation links in either Irish or English. You will also find that the material presented here can be read in either language.

Where links are provided to external sites, we are of course unable to accept responsibility for the content to be found there or the opinions expressed, but the links we do provide have been chosen according to our own criteria namely, they provide assistance and encouragement for the use of Irish.

Logos and trademarks appearing here are used for illustration purposes only and remain the property of their respective owners. Cumann Gaeilge na hAstr�ile welcomes contributions from any individuals or organisations who share our aim of promoting Irish.

Our history

One of our members, Chris Mooney, has compiled a history of our association which also gives an insight into how the language itself has fared over the years here in Australia. To read his article...Click here

Become a member !

Anyone can join the Irish Language Association of Australia. Annual membership costs just $30 and is payable at the start of each year. A membership form can be printed off directly from our website...Click here

Just fill it in and send it to us with your cheque payment, made out to "Irish Language Association of Australia Inc"

The story of the little boat

Over two thousand years ago an unkown Irish craftsman fashioned a set of intricate gold objects. For most of the time since then they have lain undisturbed in a salt-marsh. Why ?

To read the story... Click here

Site concept and design by Whole Shebang Software. Page content Copyright 2003 Cumann Gaeilge na hAstr�ile.
All rights reserved. Unauthorised reproduction prohibited.