Change Language


Hi, I'm Dymphna Lonergan from the Adelaide group in South Australia. If you live in the Adelaide area and are interested in the Irish Language then come along to our classes and you'll find a warm welcome.

See the "classes" page on this website for full details about how to contact us.

We have devised various ways of helping learners and one of the most popular is our deck of playing cards that we use for various word games. Click here ... card games to see a full explanation of how it all works

And here is a pdf file containing all our verb cards as they were scanned in at this years Daonscoil (thanks guys !) The file is about 1 megabyte in size so will take a few minutes to download ... cards It has 6 pages of 8 cards each so you can print it out directly onto labels and and make your own cards right away

Here's a puzzle for you to talk about in class. Use as much Irish as you can to explain what's going on. First of all there are 12 people in the picture then if you keep watching it somehow becomes 13. Conas a tharla � sin ? An bhfuil t� �balta r� ?