Prepositional pronouns in Irish (version1.69.0)
ag at
agam at me
agat at you
aige at him
aici at her
againn at us
agaibh at yous
acu at them
de off
d�om off me
d�ot off you
de off him
di off her
d�nn off us
d�bh off yous
d�obh off them
le with
liom with me
leat with you
leis with him
l�i with her
linn with us
libh with yous
leo with them
roimh before
romham before me
romhat before you
roimhe before him
roimpi before her
romhainn before us
romhaibh before yous
rompu before them
ar on
orm on me
ort on you
air on him
uirthi on her
orainn on us
oraibh on yous
orthu on them
do for/to
dom for/to me
duit for/to you
d� for/to him
di for/to her
d�inn for/to us
daoibh for/to yous
d�ibh for/to them
uaim from me
uait from you
uaidh from him
uaithi from her
uainn from us
uaibh from yous
uathu from them
thar over
tharam over me
tharat over you
thairis over him
thairsti over her
tharainn over us
tharaibh over yous
tharstu over them
as out of
asam out of me
asat out of you
as out of him
aisti out of her
asainn out of us
asaibh out of yous
astu out of them
faoi under
f�m under me
f�t under you
faoi under him
f�ithi under her
f�inn under us
f�ibh under yous
f�thu under them
tr� through
tr�om through me
tr�ot through you
tr�d through him
tr�thi through her
tr�nn through us
tr�bh through yous
tr�othu through them
idir between
idir m� between me
idir t� between you
idir � between him
idir � between her
eadrainn between us
eadraibh between yous
eatarthu between them
chuig toward
chugam toward me
chugat toward you
chuige toward him
chuici toward her
chugainn toward us
chugaibh toward yous
chucu toward them
i in
ionam in me
ionat in you
ann in him
inti in her
ionainn in us
ionaibh in yous
iontu in them
um around
umam around me
umat around you
uime around him
uimpi around her
umainn around us
umaibh around yous
umpu around them

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